Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas is committed to providing no cost pregnancy and parenting support services to women and men in and around McLennan County, regardless of their circumstances.
Private, Cost Free Care
We seek to remove any and all unnecessary barriers to pregnancy care resources. While your parents' consent and support are beneficial to client services, they are not necessary. Additionally, because we do not provide medical services in cooperation with your or your parents' insurance, your visit and medical information is kept completely confidential, regardless of whether you're a minor or not.
Always remember: no one can force a pregnancy decision on you. You have sole authority in determining how you handle your pregnancy. Our role is to empower you with true and accurate information to help you make an informed decision for yourself.
Schedule an Appointment
At Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas, we value truthfulness, privacy, and your womanhood. If you have any questions about our appointments, give our front desk a call at 254-772-6175. We're here to support you.
Be Informed. Get Equipped.
We're here to support you in the way that works best for you. You can reach out to us anonymously through text, phone call, or by visiting us in person.
Make Appointment
Need Answers Now?
Text with a registered nurse 24/7
(254) 452-5250