Making the decision of adoption is never easy, but it comes with lots of hope and love. If you are considering adoption, it might be the right fit if you’re thinking the following…

  • Abortion and parenting is not an option for you 
  • Your life situation isn’t healthy for raising a child
  • You want a financially and emotionally stable environment for your child
  • You see the importance of a two-parent family who can devote themselves to your child

Is Adoption for Me?

Planning out your child’s future with adoption can be overwhelming. As a birth mom these days, you can choose an adoption plan that works for your lifestyle. There is an adoption plan for everyone, whether you want to stay in contact with your child, or keep things private. 

The Different Adoption Plans

What do you want your future to look like? Are you hoping to get to know your child and their adoptive family, or would you prefer to move on and not be involved? Both of these are legitimate questions and your answer will determine the type of plan you choose.

1. Open Adoption

Open adoption is the plan for you if you want an open relationship with your child and adoptive parents. With this type of adoption, you and the adoptive family exchange identifying information such as full names, addresses, and phone numbers. You will then come to an agreement about what type of communication is best for you and the visitation arrangements. However, you must understand that open adoption agreements are not legally enforceable in the state of Texas. 

2. Closed Adoption

A closed adoption may be better for you if you want to stay anonymous for many reasons. Sometimes life is complicated and distance from your child is the wisest choice. With a closed adoption, you won’t have any form of contact with the adoptive family or your child. All identifying information is completely private.  

3. Semi-Open Adoption

Semi-open adoption is a good mix of open and closed adoption, where you can still have some contact, but everything is done through a third party (normally an adoption agency). Many times, the only information shared is first names. 

How Do I Make A Decision?

While the decision is yours to make, we are here to listen and support you. If you still have questions about your pregnancy options, talk to our team today to learn more. 

Make a free and confidential appointment with us today. If you haven’t yet, confirm your pregnancy with a lab-quality pregnancy test and ultrasound, at our center.