Am I Really Pregnant?

Maybe you’re in shock – how did this happen? I thought I was careful. A positive pregnancy test can bring a flood of emotions. 

Whatever comes your way, we are here to help you navigate all your pregnancy options and questions. You’re not on this journey alone because our compassionate team is here to help.

Some women experience one or more early pregnancy symptoms, while others don’t experience any. The following are some of the common early pregnancy symptoms

  • A missed period
  • Tender, swollen breasts
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
  • Increased urination
  • Fatigue

It can be challenging to know if you’re pregnant, especially if you have an irregular period every month. Skipping a period may not be unusual for you. The next best step is to confirm your pregnancy through free and confidential pregnancy testing and ultrasound at our center today.

Maybe you haven’t told your partner or your parents yet. Sharing the news with close relatives and friends can seem overwhelming. Our Care Net Pregnancy Center team is here to listen if you want to talk to someone about your pregnancy.

We can confirm your pregnancy and discuss how to share the news.

When it comes to an unplanned pregnancy, you have three pregnancy options: abortion, making an adoption plan, or parenting. It’s best to be informed about them all to make a clear choice.

You could feel pressure from a loved one or partner, but know the decision is ultimately yours. Whichever option you choose will affect your future in some way.

Be sure of your pregnancy by receiving a lab-quality pregnancy test and ultrasound at our center. We provide free and confidential pregnancy services so you can confidently move forward.

Schedule an appointment today for a free appointment and learn more about your options.